Communities In Control - Exploring The Future Of Leadership

In a time of uncertainty, the future can seem scary.

But organisations who don’t peek into the future and prepare for what is to come will inevitably be left behind.

The community sector needs to lift its gaze from the daily grind and assemble for what’s coming next. As we charge into the future, how can leaders prepare themselves to lead?

The Communities in Control autumn season will present a range of leaders from the community sector and beyond to discuss the future of leadership. We’ll consider the way we work and live, how we might think differently to avoid burnout, what Gen Z looks like in the workforce (and how we can work with them – and they with us – to achieve the best results), and how we can break out of the echo chamber and spread our message far and wide.

The leaders of tomorrow embrace the future with confidence. They anticipate what lies ahead and stand ready to face it head-on.

For more information and to register for the event, follow the link below.

Siahn Garvey