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ATI Riverina: Ready to Launch!

ATI Riverina Ready to launch.jpg

Do you have a business idea that you want to grow into a reality?

Applications are now open for the AgriTech Incubator program, Cohort 4.

ATI Riverina: Ready to Launch!

This program will help you take your business, product or service from idea to execution in just 8 weeks. This program is perfect for all kinds of new founders – including those who have a day job or are studying. It's a hands-on, immersive experience that uses Lean Startup principles, to bring your idea to life. This isn’t a theory program. You will get out of the classroom and into the real world to validate your idea and achieve a deep product fit. Participants will meet and be paired with some of the regions most experienced mentors and have the chance to become part of the dynamic startup network. You will exit with a business ready to execute not a business plan!


What is involved in the ATI: Ready to Launch program?

The program runs for 8 weeks, commencing on Monday 29th April 2019, with a commitment of 2.5 hours each Monday evening from 6.00pm – 8.30pm on the Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga Campus, concluding with a ‘pitch evening’ on the 17th June 2019.

(Noting: June 10 is a public holiday a replacement class will be held on Tuesday 11 June)

 In between sessions, participants will be encouraged to complete tasks to reach the milestones of that week.

Does my business idea have to be specifically around AgriTech?

No – the ATI team will consider applications from all industries and is open to a diverse range of ideas.

To apply, visit our website Applications close 8th April at 5.00pm AEST. Limited spaces available.