Reports & Resources



On Record

On Record is a blog created by Charles Sturt University Regional Archives (CSU Regional Archives. This blog provides information about upcoming events at CSU Regional Archives and stories from the archives. 

To register to receive information from the blog please visit On Record

Useful Links

  • Bridges Renewal Program
    The Australian Government is providing more than $760 million over the 10 years from 2015-16 to 2024-25, with an ongoing commitment of $85 million per year from 2025-26 to the BRP.

  • COVID-19 and Returning to Work - Fair Work Ombudsman
    Find information about managing COVID-19 while returning to the workplace.

  • Future Drought Fund
    The $5 billion Future Drought Fund provides secure, continuous funding for drought resilience initiatives. It will help Australian farms and communities prepare for the impacts of drought.

  • Future Drought Fund Science and Practice Forum

    On behalf of the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, here’s the video link of the recent Future Drought Fund Science and Practice Forum. This video includes highlights from the 3-day forum from the program, including feature speakers, presentations, panel talks and additional content:

  • Future Fuels and Vehicles Strategy
    Under this strategy, the Australian Government will work with the private sector to increase the uptake of hybrid, hydrogen, electric and biofuelled vehicles.

  • Youth Advisory Sessions
    Youth Advisory Sessions are one-hour, one-on-one meetings with a Transition to Work provider in your area. These providers specialise in helping young people (aged 15 -24), into work and training. They also know what’s going on in your local job market. Sessions are flexible and tailored to your needs.

  • Tourism Australia Campaigns
    Find the latest Tourism Australia campaigns.

Riverina Food and Beverage Directory

RDA Riverina Senior Project Officer, Marg Couch is currently updating the Riverina Food and Beverage Directory. For a current version please contact her here.


NBN Co website

NBN Co Media

NBN Co Rollout Map

NBN Co have released information about the roll out of the National Broadband Network across New South Wales. To view the Media Release please  Click Here

Murray Darling Basin Plan

The Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) have released an update on the progress of the implementation of the Murray Darling Basin Plan.

The Basin Plan two years in...

The Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) have released an update on the progress of the implementation of the Murray Darling Basin Plan. To view the information provided by the MDBA click here.

Image Credit: Tiki Paton

Image Credit: Tiki Paton

Image Credit: Samantha Blackett

Image Credit: Samantha Blackett

Murrumbidgee Local Health District


The Murrumbidgee Local Health District oversees all health services across the Riverina region, provides health advice and community support. The Murrumbidgee Local Health District has been set up in accordance with the National Health and Hospital Agreement.

Local decision making is at the forefront of how the new organisation functions and it is led by a professional Health District Board and LHD Chief Executive.

Charles Sturt University Regional Archives

If you are searching for information regarding the Riverina and Murray Regions then one place to consider utilising is the Charles Sturt University Regional Archives (CSU Regional Archives). These records are a great resource for all Community Groups and Organisations requiring information for research or funding applications.

Since 1973 CSU Regional Archives has been collecting archival material from across the Riverina Murray region. With resources that support genealogical research pertinent to Australia, particularly New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria. 

Whilst CSU Regional Archives is also the designated regional repository for State Records NSW for the Riverina and Murray regions, collecting semi-active and inactive records created by local and regional offices of state government agencies.

Records are also kept from CSU precursor institutions' corporate records, and regional records deposited and donated by local and regional businesses, community organisations, agricultural and pastoral bodies, religious agencies, politicians, interest groups, sporting bodies and individuals.

Researchers interested in accessing information held at the archives can visit the Search Room, which is located in the Blakemore Building on the CSU South Campus in Wagga Wagga. Staff in the Search Room will retrieve material upon request, subject to access conditions, enabling visitors to conduct their own research.

CSU Regional Archives is Monday to Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm(Closed Public Holidays)

For more information please visit CSU Regional Archives