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ATI Riverina: Ready to Launch Pitch Night

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The latest participants from the AgriTech Incubator ATI Riverina: Ready to Launch program are wrapping up their 8 week pre-accelerator program, concluding with a pitch night on Monday 30th September.

We would be thrilled if you would join us to support these fantastic entrepreneurs pitching their business ideas to the attending audience.

The participants represent a wonderfully diverse group with some great solutions to local and global issues. Their business ideas range from using animation to tell Wiradjuri stories to soothing sore ears while flying to using AI to find electrical issues and all manner of other great ideas!


6.00pm – Pitch by Incubator Program Participants

7.00pm - Light refreshments, networking and the opportunity to meet with Program Participants at their Demo tables.

Venue: Convention Centre, Building 230, CSU Wagga Wagga Campus

We are delighted to announce that Jo Palmer, New South Wales remote work advocate, Founder & Managing Director of Pointer Remote Roles, 2019 AgriFutures™ Rural Women’s Award National Winner (and AgriTech Incubator alumna) will be our guest speaker for the evening.

We look forward to seeing you at this event as we celebrate the success of the region’s future entrepreneurial businesses and innovative leaders.

Register today to avoid missing out - Limited seating.

Earlier Event: 27 September
Wagga Wagga 100,000 by 2038