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Murray Darling Basin Authority Webinar | Infrastructure Management

Water infrastructure including dams, locks and weirs, ensure water can be captured, stored and delivered when and where it is needed.

Safe, resilient and secure water infrastructure is critical to a healthy and productive Murray–Darling Basin. Importantly, water infrastructure helps underpin the prosperity and resilience of regional communities, as well as our environment.

The MDBA is responsible for managing a range of water infrastructure, including Hume and Dartmouth Dams in the Upper Murray, Lake Victoria near the South Australian border, and several locks, weirs and barrages.

State governments typically manage dams and other water storage and infrastructure assets in their state. These structures are operated to supply and deliver water allocations for use by communities and the environment.

In this webinar take a step back in time and learn about the history of the locks and weirs, and how the need to maintain a reliable fresh water supply to inland Australia led to the construction of dams and weirs during the early 1900s. Hear how these foundational structures help water to be shared equitably today.