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Webinar | Foundations—2022 will be an election year, are you ready?

2022 will be an election year, learn how you can get all your ducks in a row at this free Fifty Acres Academy webinar.

About this event

2020 and 2021 were challenging, but in 2022 we will need to prepare ourselves for a federal election.

The election needs to be before the end of May next year so organisations, not-for-profits and companies need to take action now to put themselves in a strong position whatever the outcome. There will also be a federal budget or mini-budget in the first few months of 2022 which you'll need to turn your attention to.

In this free Foundations workshop led by for-good communications and engagement agency Fifty Acres' CEO and Founder, Jo Scard you will learn the practical tips and actions your organisation should consider in the lead up to a possible election. 

Whatever month it is held, your organisation will need to get organised. One thing we do know is that waiting for something to happen never helps. To advocate for your cause you need to roll your sleeves up and do just that, advocate.

The workshop will cover the things you can do right now, as well as some medium to long-term plans your organisation should adopt to boost your government engagement between now and both the budget and the election and beyond.

Register now for this free webinar.

All attendees will receive a free election planning workbook.