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EDA Webinar | Evolving Sister City Relationships: How to Deal with Global Uncertainty

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Let’s imagine you have just been tasked to review your international sister city relationships. In this new era of economic and geopolitical  uncertainty, what approach would you take?

Traditional approaches for economic renewal, trade and investment, and sister city relationships will no longer be as reliable in a post-COVID environment of rapid change.

One local government that has successfully tackled this issue is Moreton Bay Regional Council in Queensland. They recently completed a review of their sister city relationships, using a ground-breaking approach guided by international thought-leaders in contemporary sister city relations.

Join this special Economic Development Australia webinar to hear first-hand from economic development project officer Marnie Stevens (Moreton Bay Regional Council) and intercultural business consultant Craig Shim (Alphacrane Intercultural Specialists) about how you can future-proof your sister city relationships.

This webinar will cover:

  1. The No 1. risk to consider before reviewing your sister city relationships

  2. A new era for sister cities: re-aligning expectations

  3. A framework for dealing with economic and geopolitical uncertainty


Marnie Stevens | Project Officer, Economic Development | Moreton Bay Regional Council

As an integral Trade and Investment team member delivering upon the new Moreton Bay Regional Economic Development Strategy, Marnie Stevens has led the Sister Cities review and associated programming, including the delivery of joint programs with Sanyo-Onoda, Japan and Winton, Queensland. 

Craig Shim | Director | Alphacrane Intercultural Specialists

Craig Shim is a qualified intercultural business consultant with a global career spanning two decades. He has unmatched first hand overseas and local experience developing international ready strategies and masterplans He is one of Australia’s leading intercultural consultants who provides specialist advice to emerging regions that strive to become Tier 1 destinations for tourism, trade and investment.  

This webinar is free to Economic Development Australia members, and $30 for non-members