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Connecting Up Webinar | Switch on your 2022 Social Media Strategy

Maybe you already have a strategy that rolls over from year to year, or maybe you are more reactive and go from campaign to campaign. If you want to make a bigger impact in 2022 it is time to review and refresh your strategy.

In this session you’ll have the opportunity to review the year just gone, examine your results and create a sustainable and scalable plan that helps achieve consistent results throughout the year.

This course is suitable for: Intermediate/Advanced

Course Outcomes:

By the end of this webinar your organisation will have an understanding of the following topics:

  • How to do a social media audit on your organization to evaluate results

  • Steps to create an annual social media strategy with measurable goals

  • A community building framework to move beyond social media marketing to a community first approach.

  • Latest developments in content and tools to support your 2022 strategy

Date: Tues, 25th January 2022

Time: 11:00AM – 12:30PM AEDT

Price: $50