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Austrade Webinar | Assessing the impact of rising sea levels on travel and tourism in the Asia-Pacific.

An invitation from Austrade to attend an online webinar on Assessing the impact of rising sea levels on travel and tourism in the Asia-Pacific.

In the webinar you will hear about how sea level rise will affect coastlines in the future and best practice examples that are available to help tourism SMEs to adapt to, and mitigate, the ill-effects of sea level rise.  

This original presentation was made at the recent APEC Tourism Working Group meeting in Seattle. Austrade then arranged for the US-based speakers to run revised version relevant for Australian stakeholders.

The speakers are:

 -  Charles Fletcher, Interim Dean, School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Hawaii at

Manoa. Dr Fletcher’s research focuses on assimilating global trends in decarbonization and

climate projections, integrating climate projections for Hawaii to understand future shocks and

stresses driving adaptation needs, and modelling the impacts of sea level rise in Hawaii.

-       John Crotts, Project Investigator, Director of School of Travel, University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Dr Crotts is the principal investigator of the report Assessing the Impact of Rising Sea Levels

on Travel and Tourism in APEC Economies. He also serves as the North American Editor of

Tourism Management - the leading journal in the tourism management field.


When: 12:00PM-1:00PM (AEDT) Thursday 26 October 2023


Register: Assessing the impact of rising sea levels


InformationJohn Parlett Senior Adviser, Sustainable Destinations Austrade.