Delivering infrastructure. Delivering social and economic value. Join CEDA and leaders from across the country for their annual Infrastructure Conference in Melbourne on Friday 24 March. Featuring a wide range of leaders from industry and government.
Registration opens at 8.00am. Conference sessions commence at 8.30am.
The day will include an exciting mix of plenary and breakout sessions and presents an opportunity to learn from and network with your industry and government peers.
Sessions will cover:
Assessing Australia’s market capacity
Getting our infrastructure priority setting and sequencing right at the state and federal level
Managing cost crunch and inflation
Exploring new delivery, investment, and funding models - rethinking PPP’s
Meeting workforce and skills need for the sector
The role of technology in lifting productivity across the sector.
Opportunities in social infrastructure
Delivering on the energy transition and approaching NetZero;
And ultimately,
Ensuring economic and social value.