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Live Music Australia program

The Live Music Australia program (the program) is part of the Australian Government’s Arts and Cultural Development Program that supports participation in, and access to, Australia’s arts and culture through developing and supporting cultural expression. The program was announced as part of the Support for the Australian music industry measure in the 2019-20 Budget and will run over four years from 2020-21 to 2023-24.

The Live Music Australia program is designed to boost the live music industry. It aims to revive business ventures in local suburbs, towns and regions across the country, building capacity for a sustainable live music scene with strong community roots, in all parts of Australia. The focus of the program is on small to medium venues that support high quality original Australian live music that is professionally staged.

The objectives of the program are:

  • to support the development, growth and innovation of Australian contemporary live music by increasing performance opportunities for original contemporary music by Australian artists

  • to support a sustainable venue-based live music industry by building professional capacity within venues

  • to support partnerships, collaboration and networks across the Australian live music industry.

The intended outcomes of Live Music Australia are:

  • assist live music venues as they reopen and begin to redevelop their capacity for hosting live music following the impacts of COVID-19

  • increased Australian live music performances of original Australian music that create a stronger and growing Australian music industry, well positioned for the future

  • more live music venues, that are agile and sustainable, and employ skilled venue professionals

  • stronger touring circuits across Australia, creating new domestic markets for Australian music.

To receive funding under the Live Music Australia program you will need to demonstrate your commitment to hosting original Australian live music.