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Regional Event Fund

The Regional Event Fund identifies and supports events in regional NSW that have the potential to act as a ‘cornerstone’ or flagship tourism event for their area by attracting overnight visitation and delivering long term benefits to the region.

Since it was established in 1996, the Regional Event Fund has supported more than 400 individual events across regional NSW.

The 2022 Regional Event Fund is now open for applications. Grants are available through the three streams below.

Eligibility and assessment criteria unique to the streams of the Regional Event Fund are detailed in their respective terms and conditions. Applicants should read the terms and conditions before applying to ensure the stream is relevant to their event.

Incubator Event Stream

The Incubator Event stream offers seed funding to eligible events in regional NSW to support their first and second years of activity.

Grants of up to $20,000 (excl. GST) are available to support activities that are likely to establish an event as a driver of visitation.

See the terms and conditions for full details including eligibility, application protocol and funding criteria. Applicants should read the terms and conditions prior to applying to ensure they meet the criteria.

Applications for the 2022 Incubator Event stream are now open and will close at midnight on Sunday 5 December 2021.

Apply here for Incubator Event Stream funding

Flagship Event Stream

The Flagship Event stream supports the marketing of emerging events in regional NSW that have been running for more than two years to increase their profile and encourage visitation.

Annual grants of $20,000 (excl. GST) or triennial grants of $30,000 (excl. GST) per year for three years are available to eligible events to support marketing activities that encourage overnight visitation from outside the region in which the event is occurring.

See terms and conditions for full details including eligibility, application protocol and funding criteria. Applicants should read the terms and conditions prior to applying to ensure they meet the criteria.

Applications for the 2022 Flagship Event stream are now open and will close at midnight on Sunday 5 December 2021.

Apply here for Flagship Event Stream funding

Event Development Stream

The Event Development stream supports the strategic growth of proven events that demonstrate a clear rationale for the continued development of its tourism potential.

Grants of up to $50,000 (excl. GST) are available to eligible events that have previously received triennial funding through the Flagship Event stream to support initiatives that have a direct impact on increasing overnight visitation to the event.

See terms and conditions for full details including eligibility, application protocol and funding criteria. Applicants should read the terms and conditions prior to applying to ensure they meet the criteria.

Applications for the 2022 Event Development stream are now open and will remain open until available funds are exhausted.

Applications to the Event Development stream must be received by Destination NSW in sufficient time prior to the next event to allow for assessment and delivery of the initiative for which funding has been requested.

Later Event: 5 December
Regional Event Fund