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COVID 3 CHALLENGE -  $250k funding grant!


COVID 3 CHALLENGE -  $250k funding grant! Are you, or is someone you know, working on a business with a focus on R&D solutions that could strengthen the entrepreneurship capability of the State for a post-COVID-19 economy?  You/they could be eligible for a $250,000 grant.


Expressions of interest (EOI) now open!


Eligibility requirements (at a glance):


▪ ABN registered in NSW and is based in NSW

▪ Fewer than 200 employees

▪ Operated for at least 12 months, based on the date of ABN registration

▪ At least $75,000 in sales revenue or operating expenditure within the last 12 months or previous financial year

▪ A product or service that directly addresses the impact of COVID-19 that it intends to market within 12 months

▪ Ownership that is at least 75 percent Australian and is not more than 50 percent owned by another business.


Eligible businesses must also provide:


▪ An operating profit and loss statement for the last 12 months or previous financial year

▪ Brief profiles of key personnel such as CV or LinkedIn accounts

▪ Nomination of their primary innovation district partner.


Proposed projects might:

  • Be scalable and research-based technology products or services

  • Help sectors pivot to high growth technology solutions

  • Strengthen Australia’s sovereign capability and local supply chains

  • Implement a sustainable and novel solution to an area in need of reform, such as aged care, food security

  • Address the workforce gap created by international closures (students, reduced migration)

  • Champion Indigenous entrepreneurs.

The total funding pool for this COVID Challenge is $500,000. 

  • Highest ranked applicant $250,000

  • Second-highest ranked applicant $100,000

  • Third-highest ranked applicant $30,000

  • Highest ranked applicant in each Innovation District that is not one of the statewide overall recipients will be granted $10,000, as determined by the evaluation panel.


To take the next step in this exciting challenge, check out whether your business and product is eligible.  If you meet the criteria then tell us about your R&D solution that strengthens the entrepreneurship capability of the State for a post-COVID-19 economy.  To submit your product or service and business information, go to 'Express your interest'


EOI deadline: 5pm AEST, Friday 27th August 2021