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Department of Social Services (DSS) | Inclusive Communities Grants

These grants aim to support equity and opportunity for Australian communities through local community-driven solutions that build self-reliance and empowerment.

Strong and Resilient Communities - Inclusive Communities grants will support the social and economic participation of vulnerable and disadvantaged people in their communities by providing funding that supports:

  • the development of young people aged 12 to 18 years who are, or are at risk of, being disengaged, marginalised and having limited engagement with education/training

  • people with disabilities and/or mental health issues to participate in their community, and work towards becoming and/or remaining independent and engaged

  • vulnerable women who experience, or are at risk of, isolation or discrimination, to participate in their community and increase their sense of self agency and empowerment

  • people who are unemployed to address individual barriers to social and economic participation and employment by increasing their capacity for engagement with existing employment, community supports, and training services, as they work towards gaining meaningful employment.

A total of $63 million (GST exclusive) over 5 years has been allocated for the Inclusive Communities Grants. Up to $12.6 million (GST exclusive) is available over 2 years for this round.

The grant opportunity seeks applications for projects to be delivered between 1 July 2023 up to 30 June 2025.

Projects will have a funding cap of $180,000 (GST exclusive) per year of the grant period. The maximum grant amount is $360,000 (GST exclusive).

Eligible activities must directly relate to the grant objectives and can include: 

  • delivery of education and training

  • mentoring, counselling or programs that build resilience, leadership, self-care

  • activity that builds social and/or economic engagement skills to grow and support community connections and self-reliance through employment

  • provision of other services that facilitate the cohorts’ opportunity to engage with community, gain employment, improve well-being and/or reduce vulnerability.

Applications close on Thursday 3rd November at 9pm.

Earlier Event: 6 October
Infrastructure Betterment Fund
Later Event: 7 October
Regional Investment Activation Fund