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Journalist Fund

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Applications for stream 1: Cadetships - of the Journalist Fund are now open with Grants to support regional media organisations to hire new cadet journalists on offer for successful applicants.

The Australian Government has announced a total of $10 million (GST exclusive) in grants to support the provision of public interest journalism in regional Australia. A total of $8 million is available for hiring cadets and $2 million is available for upskilling journalists.

Grant funding is available through two funding streams:

  • stream 1: Cadetships—will support eligible regional media organisations to hire new cadet journalists who will be funded for two years.

  • stream 2: Training—Funds to support regional media organisations to upskill existing journalists. Guidelines for stream 2 training grants will be released separately.

Eligible grant activities include:

  • The selection and onboarding of a new cadet journalist

  • The employment of a new cadet journalist

Opportunities to apply for the $2 million Training stream (stream 2) of the Journalist Fund will be announced following the opening of the present Cadetship grant funding.

Applications for stream 1 are now open and will close 5pm (AEDT) on 20 April 2022.