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Veterans' Affairs NSW | Community War Memorials Fund


The objective of the Community War Memorials Fund is to help conserve, repair and protect war memorials across NSW to support community commemoration.


Two application rounds are run each year. The rounds open on Anzac Day and Remembrance Day. The Community War Memorials Fund awards grants of up to $10,000 (excluding GST). Please note that grants for work to improve the accessibility of war memorials are capped at $2,000 (excluding GST).

Types of projects that might be funded:

  • Specialist conservation advice for war memorials:

    • Condition assessment reports

    • Conservation management plans

    • Arborist advice for war memorial trees

    • Structural assessment reports

  • Preservation work:

    • Protective measures for memorials e.g. repairs to damaged barriers and fences that surround and protect a memorial

    • Having protective coatings applied by a specialist conservator

    • Stabilisation of fabric

    • Painting

  • Restoration work:

    • Removal of inappropriate accretions e.g. graffiti

    • Cleaning and corrosion removal by specialist conservators e.g. treatment of rusted original memorial gates or fences

    • Repairs to the damaged lettering on war memorial cenotaphs and rolls of honour e.g. regilding, repainting

    • Conservation and repairs to stonework on war memorials

    • Repointing mortar joints

    • Restoring war memorial landscapes to their original design, intent or purpose

    • Repairs to damaged sculptures

    • Replacement of decayed or missing elements where repair is not feasible

  • Other:

    • Works to improve equitable access to a memorial ($2,000 cap)

    • Relocation of memorials for public safety

Important: Applicants to the Community War Memorials Fund are expected to seek conservation advice from a qualified specialist before planning any physical work to a memorial.


Eligibility criteria:

  • Applications must be for an existing war memorial commemorating Australia's military heritage and the war memorial must be located within the State of NSW or, if located outside NSW, of direct and substantial relevance to the State.

  • The definition of a "memorial" includes public monuments, memorial places, landscaped spaces, buildings, sculptures, trees and avenues as well as indoor fixtures such as honour boards, plaques, busts or bas-relief sculptures.

  • An application may be made by any organisation, provided the owner or custodian of the memorial, local RSL sub-branch and local council support the bid, where applicable

  • Before applying to the Community War Memorials Fund the memorial must first be recorded on the Register of War Memorials in NSW (

  • Applications must be for the repair, protection and/or conservation of existing memorials.

  • Applications relating to memorials located on either private or public property are eligible for funding, however the memorial must have a public function and be accessible to the public.

  • The State War Memorials Committee will announce grants biannually, with applications closing on Anzac Day and on Remembrance Day. However, the Committee may make extraordinary grants as circumstances require.

  • Applications to fund works that have already been completed are not eligible.

  • The State War Memorials Committee may in extraordinary circumstances approve applications that do not meet all of the above criteria.

Projects that are not funded by the Community War Memorials Fund:

  • Work that does not meet the eligibility criteria

  • Inappropriate work and methods that do not align with best practice heritage conservation

  • Work that has already been started or completed

  • Constructing new war memorials

  • Replacing existing war memorials

  • Adding of new commemorative elements e.g. plaques, service badges

  • Maintaining or replacing flagpoles

  • Adding names to war memorials

  • Capital expenditure for the purchase of assets e.g. office furniture, equipment

  • Costs incurred in the preparation of a grant application or related documentation

  • Council approval costs

  • Ongoing expenditure, i.e. website hosting, memorial maintenance

  • Projects relating to the display of military memorabilia

  • Work to graves

  • Seating for war memorials

  • Interpretive signage

  • Work to war memorials that are not recorded on the NSW War Memorials Register

Applications for the current round opened 25 April 2022 and close 25 July 2022.