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Defence and Aerospace NSW Industry Support Catalogue

Overview of Commonwealth and NSW Government grant and support programs for defence and aerospace industries

March 2022

Defence & Aerospace are priority sectors for the NSW Government. For example, the NSW defence industry alone is a major contributor to employment, research & development and economic growth with Defence expenditure over $10.5B annually in NSW, directly and indirectly employing over 65,039 people. The naval presence in the Sydney region alone contributes over $1.8b annually to the economy and supports more than 12,000 jobs. Similarly, organisations headquartered in NSW generate 50-75% of all space-related revenue generated in Australia and around 30% of people involved in space activities are based in NSW, the largest percentage of any state.

In November 2020, the Minister for Defence Industry released a policy that defined the Commonwealth’s commitment to the growth of the defence industry and the related budget measures.

Building upon this key initiative, the Defence and Aerospace NSW Industry Support Catalogue will complement the Commonwealth’s program specifically focused on strengthening NSW’s defence and aerospace capacities and capabilities where NSW will value-add.

Find out more about how working with the NSW Government can support your company to expand and grow its footprint in NSW.