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NSW Government | Our Region, Our Voice - Regional Youth Investment Program

The ‘Our Region, Our Voice’ Regional Youth Investment Program is aimed at improving the lives and wellbeing of young people in regional areas, in line with identified areas of need in regional NSW.

The objective of the ‘Our Region, Our Voice’ Regional Youth Investment Program is to genuinely reflect the needs and aspirations of regional young people in NSW to:

  1. learn, work and achieve in regional NSW

  2. be mentally and physically healthy, safe and thrive in their communities

  3. explore their creativity, collaborate with other teams, develop a sense of achievement and feel socially and culturally connected to their communities

  4. have transport and digital connectivity solutions to access training, work services and recreational activities; and

  5. be place based and reflect the diversity of young people’s needs across regional NSW.

Nine investment themes across Four Pillars have been identified in our Regional Youth Insights to address the specific challenges that young people encounter where they live.

The Program directs resources to strategies that will make the difference needed to address the unique challenges encountered by regional youth and maximise local opportunities.

The minimum grant funding is $150,000, and the maximum grant funding is $3,000,000.00. The grants will be allocated across nine investment themes which have been identified as a high priority from Regional Youth Insights, the largest regional youth research project ever commissioned by the NSW Government.

Application guidelines are available here

This program is administered by Department of Regional NSW.

Applications close at 10 AM, October 4, 2022.

Earlier Event: 20 September
Festivals Australia Program