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NSW Environment Protection Authority | Circular Plastics Program

The CMF was created to support businesses in the transition to better plastic products and increase the recycling rate of plastics in NSW.

The objectives of the CMF are to:

  • reduce the amount of virgin plastic used

  • reduce the amount of hard-to-recycle plastics used

  • increase the amount of recycled plastic in products

  • catalyse partnerships between producers, end users and the resource recovery sector.

A total of $5 million is available under Round 1. Funding will be available through two streams:

  1. Sole applicant - $100,000 - $500,000

  2. Collaborative partnerships - $250,000 - $750,000

Stream 1 provides funding for sole applicants to target the ‘make’ phase of the product life cycle. This may include projects which:

  • alter or adopt innovative product design (e.g. new designs, moulds, forms, products)

  • improve manufacturing processes (e.g. through new equipment, material inputs)

  • increase recycled content manufacturing capacity

  • generate additional demand for recycled content

  • reduce the use/manufacture of virgin or hard-to-recycle plastics

  • reduce the generation of plastic waste.

Projects must, as far as practicable, demonstrate viable end-markets for project outputs and benefits to NSW, including employment, infrastructure investment, environmental and social benefits.

Applications close at midnight on 17th November 2022.