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Aboriginal Affairs NSW | Community and Place Grants Program

The Community and Place Grants Program aims to support one-off projects which include programs, equipment, vehicles and infrastructure developed by local Aboriginal communities and with local community support to drive change and contribute towards the 17 socio-economic outcome targets under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.

The projects must contribute to the Closing the Gap targets specifically, not the broad outcome area. Applicants are strongly encouraged to familiarise themselves with the 17 socio-economic outcome targets under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap. Detailed information can be found HERE.

A total of $15 million in funding is available in 2022/23 via two streams:   

Stream 1: Grants of up to and including $100,000.

Stream 2: Grants between $100,001 and $250,000.

Applicants can apply once in each stream of funding.

What can funding be used for?

Funding can be used for projects that meet the outcomes of Community and Place Grants Program, i.e. deliver tangible local benefit and impact to Aboriginal communities against the Closing the Gap socio-economic targets.

To be eligible for an Aboriginal Affairs NSW Community and Place Grant, applicants must be an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Community-Controlled Organisation (ACCO) or an unincorporated Aboriginal community group with an agreement for an ACCO to auspice the funding.

Unincorporated Aboriginal groups - Unincorporated groups must be Aboriginal community groups – that is, they must be led by Aboriginal people.  

An Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Community-Controlled Organisation delivers services, including land and resource management, that builds the strength and empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and people and is:

  • incorporated under relevant legislation and not-for-profit;

  • controlled and operated by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people;

  • connected to the community, or communities, in which they deliver the services; and

  • governed by a majority Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander governing body.

Community and Place grants online Q&A information sessions will be held on the following dates:

11am, Tuesday 4 October 2022 
11am, Tuesday 11 October 2022

To join an online information session via Microsoft Teams click here

Applications must be submitted by 5pm Friday 14 October 2022.