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Agricultural Traceability Grants | Sustainability Reporting Uplift Grant Round now open

The Australian Government is offering new grant funding under the Australian Trade System Support – Cultivating Australia’s Agricultural Traceability – Promoting and Protecting Agriculture measure.

Grant activities undertaken between 2023-2025 will support opportunities to secure value added benefits for agricultural industries, deliver improved traceability outcomes, and provide national leadership.

Activities will also support effective responses to biosecurity outbreaks and changing market and consumer requirements.

The $4 million Sustainability Uplift Reporting Grants (Sustainability Reporting grants) round is now open. Grants of between $50,000 and $500,000 are available on the Community Grants Hub. Applications are open from 19 January to 23 February 2023.

The Sustainability Reporting grants will help build the agriculture sector’s data capabilities to meet emerging international requirements and standards and support development of consistent sustainability frameworks. Successful projects will support the agriculture sector through consistent collection, measurement and reporting of data to make it easier to demonstrate sustainable practices to meet increasing expectations from international markets and consumers.