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Mobile Black Spot Program Improving Mobile Coverage Round (IMCR)

The Mobile Black Spot Program Improving Mobile Coverage Round (IMCR) will implement the Australian Government’s 2022 election commitment to deliver funding to improve mobile connectivity in approximately 54 underserved Target Locations across regional and remote Australia. These Target Locations have been identified by the Government as having mobile connectivity issues which have not been addressed under previous rounds of the Mobile Black Spot Program (MBSP).

Up to $40 million (GST exclusive) is available for the IMCR.

The IMCR will provide grant funding to mobile network operators and infrastructure providers to deploy new mobile phone infrastructure to address mobile reception and coverage issues in these Target Locations.

Funded solutions will address local mobile connectivity issues in each Target Location to address local mobile coverage or quality of service issues through targeted assessment criteria. In addition to addressing coverage issues in underserved communities, the IMCR also implements the Government’s commitment to addresses identified mobile coverage issues along targeted sections of major highways in NSW, WA and TAS to improve safety and boost connectivity during emergencies.

Improved mobile coverage and quality of service through the IMCR will help keep people connected, improve safety and support businesses so that nobody is held back or left behind from a lack of mobile connectivity.

Grant Activity Timeframe:

Stage 1 – Release of the Guidelines and call for applications commences 2 February 2023.

Stage 2 – Potential applicants need to register their interest by 2 March 2023, and provide pre-application documentation, in accordance with section 7, Stage 2 of the Guidelines.

Stage 3 – Applications are due by 13 April 2023.

Stage 4 – Applications are assessed between April and June 2023.

Stage 5 – Grantees advised of outcomes and locations announced June - July 2023.