The NSW Quad Bike Safety Rebate is designed to support farmers and businesses in NSW improve quad bike safety by investing in key safety items.
This rebate is administered by NSW Farmers Association and funded by SafeWork NSW.
From 1 July 2021, farming is no longer an eligibility requirement. Both primary (farmers) and non-primary producers who operate a quad bike or side-by-side vehicle (SSV) to undertake regular tasks in the workplace will be able to apply for this rebate program.
UPDATE - Over $9.77M in rebates has been paid to eligible farmers since 2016, with limited funding remaining until June 2023 Rebate summary
As an owner or operator, you may be eligible to apply for a maximum of $2,000 per ABN:
• Up to $2000 towards the purchase of an eligible SSV o The SSV must be from the eligible vehicle list.