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Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) | National Foundation for Australia-China Relations (NFACR) Grants Program

The Foundation provides grant opportunities each year to develop, promote and strengthen understanding and engagement between Australia and China, including business and community stakeholders, in support of Australia’s national interests.

The Foundation welcomes applications in line with the Foundation’s strategic objectives, including but not limited to the following areas: 

  • Collaboration on climate change 

  • Informed business engagement with China, including: 

    • Low emissions technology, the transition to green energy and environment 

    • Health and ageing 

    • Education and training 

    • Agritech and agribusiness 

    • Digital trade and e-commerce 

    • First Nations businesses and exporters 

    • Visitor economy 

  • Support for cohesive communities through recognising the contribution of Chinese-Australian communities 

  • Activities that showcase the regional diversity of Australia 

  • Support for Chinese international students and scholars to connect with the broader Australian community 

  • Activities that showcase the knowledge and cultures of Australia’s First Nations people in China

  • Communications, including projecting a positive image of Australia in China, media diversity and capability 

  • People-to-people connections, including in art, culture and sports 

  • Practical outcomes in health, science and technology that showcase the benefits of international collaboration and/or the contribution of Chinese Australians in these fields 

  • Exchanges and dialogues that increase mutual understanding 

  • Programs that enhance the China literacy and capability of Australian organisations

Grants available

For this competitive grant opportunity, up to $6.5million is available for disbursement in the 2023-2024 financial year. It is anticipated that most grants will be valued between $100,000 and $500,000.

Grant Applications close: 24 September 2023