The Habitat Action Grant program is a devolved grant program directing money raised from the NSW Recreational Fishing Fee toward projects that improve local fish habitats across NSW.
Angling clubs, individuals, community groups, local councils and organisations interested in rehabilitating fish habitats in freshwater and saltwater areas throughout NSW can apply for grants up to $40,000.
Habitat rehabilitation projects which may be funded include:
removal or modification of barriers to fish passage
rehabilitation of riparian lands (river banks, wetlands, mangrove forests, saltmarsh)
re-snagging waterways with timber structure
removal of exotic vegetation from waterways and replace with native species
bank stabilisation works
reinstatement of natural flow regimes
Projects should aim to run for 12 months. The starting date is the date that the contracts have been co-signed by both the applicant and NSW DPI. This will usually occur early in the calendar year.
Allowance will be provided for conditions out of the applicant’s control such as flooding or drought where survival of plantings or stability of instream works will be put at risk if undertaken in unsuitable conditions. Requests for project variations will need to be made in writing (via email) to the Habitat Action Grant Administrator, adjusting milestone timing and associated milestone payments accordingly.
Matching funding is a requirement for funding, however this does not need to be in physical cash. Other contributions towards the project count as an ‘in-kind’ contributions and can include any voluntary labour (hands on work), project management time (administration, reporting, etc.) and cost of machinery use for example. It can also include on-going maintenance of a site (capped at 3 years after project completion).
You MUST contact one of the DPI staff to discuss your project and ensure applications are consistent with priorities for funding. They can also provide assistance on completing your application. You can find contact details on the grant guidelines document