The Festivals Australia Funding Program provides financial support for individual art projects in regional or remote locations, specifically at festivals or significant community events like town celebrations or the opening of new community resources.
Purpose: To provide access to diverse, engaging, and innovative arts projects, support partnerships and collaboration in the arts sector, and encourage community participation in arts projects at regional and remote festivals.
Funding Rounds: There are two funding rounds each year, usually opening in February and September.
Eligibility: Applicants must be Australian incorporated organisations with an active ABN, registered for GST if required, and without any outstanding reports or breaches related to Australian Government funding. Unincorporated groups can apply if they are auspiced by an eligible organisation.
Location: Projects must take place in regional or remote areas, not in major cities or metropolitan locations.
Grant Activity Timeframe: Funding is available for activities starting from July 1, 2025.
Total Amount Available: AUD $700,000.