The Capacity Building grants focus on increasing community capacity and capability for climate-smart, sustainable agriculture and natural resource management practices in Australia to drive on-ground adoption.
These grants support the Climate-Smart Agriculture Program’s outcomes by:
Increasing farmers' awareness, knowledge, and skills of best practice climate-smart sustainable agriculture approaches
Enhancing the capacity and capability of community organisations, Landcare groups, First Nations groups, and industry partnerships to assist farmers in adopting climate-smart and sustainable agriculture practices
Funded Projects
The grant opportunity will fund projects that:
Increase awareness, knowledge, and skills of best practice climate-smart sustainable agriculture approaches
Assist community organisations, Landcare groups, First Nations peoples, and industry to support farmers and landholders in adopting climate-smart and sustainable agriculture practices
Provide opportunities, initiatives, and information resources to assist the agriculture sector in increasing the adoption of climate-smart and sustainable agriculture practices at scale
To be eligible, you must:
Have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
Be a permanent resident of Australia
Have an account with an Australian financial institution
Be financially viable
Be located in Australia
Eligible entity types include:
Corporate Commonwealth Entity
Corporate State or Territory Entity
Incorporated Association
Indigenous Corporation
Local Government Entity
Non-corporate State or Territory Entity
Non-corporate State or Territory Statutory Authority
Sole Trader
Statutory Entity
Ineligible applicants include:
Non-corporate Commonwealth Entity
Non-corporate Commonwealth Statutory Authority
Unincorporated Association
International Entity
Organisations listed on the National Redress Scheme’s website as not having joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme
Organisations listed on the Workplace Gender Equality Agency website as non-compliant