National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy Industry Focus Groups

The Taskforce leading the development of the National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy (the Strategy) will be hosting industry focus groups around Australia in November and December 2018 to test key elements recommended for the Strategy, including the proposed National Action Plan (NAP).

All levels of government have been collaborating to develop a Strategy capable of delivering a productive, competitive, safe and secure freight system.

 The Taskforce wishes to engage with you to ensure that the Strategy and NAP capture industry input already received and to give you an opportunity to provide further feedback as we develop the Strategy for endorsement by governments in the New Year.

 The Focus Groups

  • Provide you with a brief overview of the Strategy and NAP and how it will addresses industry priorities identified by the Inquiry into National Freight and Supply Chain Priorities .

  • Explain how the Strategy links with state and territory freight initiatives and other work underway.

  • Test the structure and direction of the NAP with you through facilitated

  • Discuss government and industry’s role in implementing the Strategy and

  • Seek your feedback on further areas for consideration.

Their are two groups scheduled near the Riverina Region

Canberra - 23rd November 10am - 2pm
Dept of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities Office
111 Alinga St

Albury - 4th December 11:30am - 3:30am
Attura Albury
648 Dean St

If you wish to attend please complete the attached registration form (below) and send to Please note the RSVP dates for each group, as late acceptances will be subject to availability. The agenda and associated papers will be sent to attendees closer to the meeting date.

 If you have any questions, please contact the Taskforce via email at


Research Officer