Opportunity for Tourism Business Acceleration


Tourism operators in the Riverina Murray, looking for business growth solutions will soon have access to one-on-one mentoring through a specialised, 12-week business accelerator program. Small to medium operators looking to develop new markets and more innovative products and services are now being encouraged to apply for the Accelerator assists business owners to invest in their future to grow and create new, sustainable jobs, with help from the Regional Growth Team.

Richie Robinson, General Manager of Destination Riverina Murray says, “the 12-week Program is an excellent resource based on the very successful Riverina Regional Business Accelerator, developed by Voyager Strategy's Director John Hemphill and delivered by RDA Riverina in 2017, which led to impressive sales and job growth for those businesses who took part.” Tourism operators have the opportunity to apply for the 12-week business accelerator program. “The unique aspect of this program is the balance of group workshops, individual online learning and one-on-one mentor assistance” says Rachel Whiting CEO and Director of Regional Development from RDA Riverina. “We are very pleased to be working with Voyager Strategies again to run this program for Destination Riverina Murray due to the great response from the businesses involved in the 2017 accelerator”.

RDA Riverina have been engaged by Destination Riverina Murray to deliver the Riverina Murray Regional Tourism Business Accelerator program in 2018/19.  This program is made available to Tourism Operators at a much reduced cost due to Destination Riverina Murray’s successful bid for Building Better Regions Communities Funding announced a few months ago.  RDA Riverina are thrilled to be delivering another Accelerator with Voyager Strategies and in partnership with Griffith, Wagga Wagga and Albury City Councils and RDA Murray.

Research Officer