Riverina Tourism Industry In Good Hands

With the finalists in the 2018 Riverina Murray Regional Tourism Awards announced on the 4th of July, it’s clear that tourism in our region is in good hands.

“We warmly congratulate the six Riverina tourism operators that were included in the list of finalists for the upcoming Riverina Murray Regional Tourism Awards,” said Mr Craig Sinclair, Chair of Thrive Riverina.

“Bundyi Cultural Tours, Food I Am, Limone Dining, Lockhart Sculpture and Heritage Trail, Quest Griffith and Tumut River Brewing Co all provide outstanding experiences for visitors to our region. They display a great passion and commitment both to their business and to their customers, so it’s fantastic and appropriate that they should be acknowledged as delivering excellence in tourism,” said Mr Sinclair.

Thrive Riverina is also pleased to announce the recommitment of nine Riverina-based councils.

“Thrive Riverina is committed to promoting tourism in our region and attracting visitors to the Riverina. We are so pleased that the following nine Councils are part of the Thrive Riverina group… Carrathool Shire Council, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council, Griffith City Council, Leeton Shire Council, Lockhart Shire Council, Murrumbidgee Council, Snowy Valleys Council, Temora Shire Council and Wagga Wagga City Council are now all members of Thrive Riverina.” 

“With a greater focus on raising the profile of the Riverina in key markets such as Canberra and Sydney, we have some exciting promotions planned for the coming year that will reach potential travellers. Our goal is to let them know about all the great experiences travellers can enjoy in our region and encourage them to visit the Riverina,” said Mr Sinclair.

Research Officer