2019 Riverina Inspirations

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It seems late to be saying Happy New Year, but now we are past Australia Day and the children are all back at school, we can no longer deny 2019 is really here and that holidays are truly over.

As we reflect on our long weekend and the celebration of Australia Day, there are many discussions about the day and the date and what it means or should mean.  I was fortunate to be invited to the City of Wagga Wagga’s Australia Day awards ceremony on the Friday night before Australia Day.  As well as seeing the amazing community nominees, there were two slightly different and very moving speeches. The first was by Wagga’s Australia Day Ambassador and Aboriginal Comedian Dane Simpson.  He spoke about what Australia Day meant for him as an individual and an Aboriginal man and Australia’s maturity in having an open conversation around the date.  The other was from Miss Wagga 2019 Stina Constantine.  Stina was born from Sri Lankan parents in Norway and completed high school and university in Wagga Wagga.  Her conversation about what it means to be an Australian was unique as she is still seeking a permanent visa.  She loves Australia and wants to be an Australian citizen. From first nations to willing migrants, we are all Australian and we need everyone to make the Riverina strong.


RDA Riverina are very pleased to announce a new Chair.  Richard Allsopp is a great addition to our committee. Richard is the founder of Rundles Auctions and pioneered industrial auctions in country NSW. He opened his first business in Wagga Wagga in 1997, and then expanded into Dubbo and Tamworth. It has now become the largest regional industrial auctioneers in NSW, selling cars, trucks, earthmoving equipment and machinery for state and local government, banks, finance companies and corporate clients.  As an auctioneer for 35 years and a resident of the Riverina for 21 years operating his business out of Wagga, Richard was motivated by keeping country profits in the country.  After retiring from the auction business, Richard is looking forward to giving back to community through RDA Riverina activities.

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Marg Couch