Griffith Housing Strategy

Griffith City Council is pleased to announce that the Griffith Housing Strategy was adopted at Council on 26 November 2019. Grant funding from the Building Better Regions Fund enabled Council to commission a detailed analysis of the current state of housing availability in Griffith. This evidence-based study, undertaken by Dr Judith Stubbs suggests methods of increasing access to diverse housing options for key target groups in the city experiencing housing stress.

There has been extensive consultation with Councillors, key Council staff and major community stakeholders in Griffith to inform the study with two consultation sessions held with Councillors and two sessions held with key community stakeholders. A further forum for the community was also held during the consultation period. Following a 48 day exhibition period Council received 9 submissions, took this valuable feedback on board and amended the strategy accordingly. The final report to Council details the responses to the submissions and can be found on page 31 of the agenda from the Council meeting held on Tuesday 26 November download here.

Please download copies of the Griffith Housing Strategy and Background Report Paper below. A two page Summary of the Strategy is also available for download.

Download the Papers Here

Strategy Summary | Housing Strategy | Background Report

For further information please contact Griffith City Council's Economic Development Team 
Shireen Donaldson | | 6962 8100
Karly Sivewright | | 0417 368 169

Sara Johnston