ABC Heywire Competition Winners Announced
What is Heywire?
Heywire puts young Australians at the centre of the conversations that shape their communities.
The ABC has run the annual regional youth project in partnership with the Australian Government since 1998.
The ABC Heywire Competition
The annual Heywire cycle begins with a storytelling competition - open to people aged 16-22, living in regional or rural Australia. Heywire encourages young people to tell stories about their life outside the major cities in text, photo, video or audio format. Over the past 17 years more than 9,000 young Australians have taken part.
More About The Heywire Competition
Young Regional Australians on the ABC
Each year, every ABC regional station selects a winning Heywire Competition entry to represent their part of Australia. The young winners work with ABC staff to produce their story to be featured on ABC Radio and Heywire stories are renowned for their honesty and for giving us a window on the lives of young people in regional Australia.
This year Zoe McLaren from Temora is a winner from our region. Congratulations Zoe!
The Heywire Regional Youth Summit
Competition winners also score an all-expenses-paid trip to the Heywire Summit, designed to ensure their voices are heard in Canberra and around the nation. Over the week participants undertake leadership workshops and meet with members of parliament, government departments and community leaders. The 'Heywirers' work together in teams to develop ideas aimed at improving the lives of young people in regional Australia. The ideas are presented at Parliament House in front of an esteemed panel.