Call for EOIs to host 2021 NSW Rural Women's Gathering

2021 NSW Rural Womens Gathering.png

Expressions of interest to host the 2021 NSW Rural Women’s Gathering are now open!

If your rural or regional community has:

  • a group of committed women

  • the capacity to host such an event

  • can demonstrate community support

This could be a fantastic opportunity to meet with other women who may share similar issues, interests, goals and dreams.

About the NSW Rural Women’s Gathering

Women’s Gathering weekends are organised by the host community for all rural women across the state supported by guidance and training from the NSW DPI’s Rural Women’s Network. Local committees make key decisions; develop a theme and the weekend program to reflect the culture, industry, tourism and environment unique to their community.

Who are they for

Women’s Gatherings are for ALL rural women including farming women; Aboriginal women, women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; mining women, women in the fishing industry, women who live in regional cities, towns and villages and coastal women.

Support from the Rural Women’s Network

The RWN will provide the successful Gathering Committee with a comprehensive event kit and face-to-face committee/governance training to help you plan a successful event. We are also available to assist with any issues or concerns that may arise during the planning of a Gathering and can provide advice, support and information and contacts from past gathering committees.

Submissions to host the 2021 Gathering close 30 April 2020. For more information contact Rural Women’s Network on 02 6391 3620, email: or see:

The 2020 Rural Women's Gathering will be hosted by the community of Forbes from 23-25 October.

Sara Johnston