Covid-19: Rex Provides Update on Route Plans

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Regional Express (Rex) has provided an update for the 54 regional and remote communities that are serviced by Rex on its immediate plans for the suspension/reduction of services so that they could be prepared for the drastic changes. Rex has communicated, several times in the past two weeks, that the significant drop in passenger numbers means that air services are no longer viable.

Rex’s original plan was to shut down its entire network to conserve cash as otherwise Rex will run out of cash in a matter of weeks.

Two State governments, Queensland and Western Australia, have responded to Rex’s appeal on 19 March for a partnership approach to keep minimum essential services going. Discussions are very advanced and the new schedules for these two states will be revealed once matters are finalised. NSW has not responded.

Fortunately for regional Australia, the Federal Government has stepped in to provide funding to support one return service a week. Rex has submitted an application for this funding and the proposed flight schedules for New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania are available through the link below.

If Rex’s application is not successful then Rex will have to suspend services in all states without State Government assistance. The outcome for Federal funding is expected at the end of next week and in the meantime Rex will operate schedules that at least match what they have proposed for the State and Federal funding.

Rex’ Deputy Chairman, the Hon John Sharp AM said, “Rex is fully mindful of the horrifying consequences to regional and rural communities like Broken Hill that may face either not having any air services or having a dramatically reduced air service.”

“Lives could be lost because medical samples could not be tested in a timely manner or blood could not be transported. Rex had been fulfilling this critical and essential community service role in the past two decades without assistance from anyone, and often even losing money on communities with very small passenger numbers, because our heart is in the country and we were profitable enough to do so.”

“Rex apologises that it can no longer continue shouldering this burden as we are fighting for our own life. Rex’s first priority is to survive this crisis so that regional and rural communities can count on our air connections to rebuild after the crisis, and long into the future.”

“Rex wishes to once again thank the Deputy Prime Minister, Michael McCormack, and the Morrison Government for their leadership and decisiveness in stepping in so promptly to rescue regional aviation, which is ultimately a State and Local Government responsibility.” “Without this immediate intervention, Australia would not have a single regional airline left standing.”

Sara Johnston