Experience Development Fund - Now Open

The Experience Development Fund is now open!

The NSW Government has announced that $2.5 million in Experience Development funding is available in 2021-22 to support the development of new tourism attractions and experiences in NSW.

Funding of between $80,000 and $150,000 excluding GST is available, per applicant, on a matched dollar-for-dollar basis for eligible project costs.

The Experience Development Fund is available for creating new tourism attractions or experiences that directly aligns with the NSW strengths identified in the Visitor Economy Strategy (VES) 2030. Local Councils, Industry Associations and new or existing tourism operators based and operating in NSW, including Greater Sydney, can apply. NSW Government owned, operated or managed businesses are not eligible applicants. Destination Networks are also not valid to apply for funding. All applicants must be registered for GST.

For every dollar in funding you are requesting, you will need to have your own funds to (at least) match the funding being requested on a dollar for dollar basis.

Applications Close at midnight on January 16th

Research Officer