New Holiday Here This Year campaign iteration launched

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Tourism Australia’s latest iteration of the Holiday Here This Year campaign was launched earlier this month, again fronted by iconic Aussie couple Hamish Blake and Zoe Foster-Blake.

They explore some of the incredible “big” experiences around Australia, all internationally reliant tourism regions, to encourage domestic audiences to start taking those longer trips and travel like international consumers do.

A new, interactive holiday quiz has also been rolled out to help consumers choose their next big adventure.
Industry is encouraged to participate in and benefit from the domestic campaign activity by:

  • Downloading the Holiday Here This Year toolkit, which is available for download from the corporate website. The toolkit contains a campaign overview, campaign logos, city specific imagery for use in your own channels and social media tools.

  • Aligning your marketing activity to support the campaign.

  • Post on your business social media channels to encourage consumers to book using #HolidayHereThisYear and the Holiday Here This Year giphy stickers.

Share your news and activities with Tourism Australia for consideration to promote through our PR activities. Please send to

Sara Johnston