2019 - 2020 RDA Riverina Annual Report published

The RDA Riverina Committee and Staff proudly present our 2019 - 2020 Annual Report.

This report covers an extremely challenging period for the Riverina region, namely the devastation of the Dunn’s Road bushfire immediately followed by the Covid-19 Pandemic. These twin crises have brought with them some opportunity as well as hardship. As such, our staff have been busier than ever responding to the needs of our community. Although the production of the report was delayed, the information within is still very pertinent. We hope you find value in this summary of RDA Riverina’s activities in the 2019 - 2020 year.

RDA Riverina 2019 - 2020 Annual Report cover image, courtesy of Louise Freckleton of Highfield Farm and Woodland, Mount Adrah.

RDA Riverina 2019 - 2020 Annual Report cover image, courtesy of Louise Freckleton of Highfield Farm and Woodland, Mount Adrah.

Sara Johnston