Inland Growth Summit to address housing crisis

The state’s housing crisis will be the hot topic at an upcoming conference jointly hosted by RDA Riverina and RDA Orana with the support of RivJO and REROC.

With many similarities shared in terms of infrastructure, industry and population, the two organisations aim to address the issue of housing needs at a one-day forum being held online on August 13.

RDA Riverina CEO and Director of Regional Development Rachel Whiting said a multitude of factors was pushing housing availability to its limits.

“There is a severe shortage of properties to rent or buy which is causing problems across the community,” she said.

Ms Whiting said the upcoming summit would examine why inland areas are in crisis, what can be done to resolve the problem and who is responsible for addressing the issue.

“It’s incredibly important to be examining housing supply and demand and how it impacts on residential development and growth opportunities,” she said.

“We love living in regional Australia, but housing availability is really being stretched, so we need to look at some solutions. This is having a resounding effect on communities where residents who can’t find a home have to move somewhere else.”

The upcoming summit will feature some high-profile speakers including the Hon Nola Marino, Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories; as well as Garry Fielding who has just been announced as chair of the NSW Government's Regional Housing Taskforce.

In the past, RDA Orana’s Inland Growth Summits have aimed to expose issues and work on solutions. 

“We are looking forward to pairing with RDA Riverina on this event and recognise the power of collaboration,” Megan Dixon, Director of Regional Development at RDA Orana, said.

“We relish community engagement and the opportunity to link with an array of stakeholders to discuss issues impacting regional Australia. Our Inland Growth Summits have become a way to discuss concerns with government leaders, business representatives and community members and make them aware of what is happening on the ground in regional areas.” 

Date: Friday 13 August 2021
Time: 8 am - 3.30 pm
Where: Online

Sara Johnston