Fiona Phillips MP announced as Chair of the New South Wales Black Spot Consultative Panel
Fiona Phillips, Federal Labor Member for Gilmore, has been announced as the Chair for the New South Wales Black Spot Consultative Panel.
Black Spot Consultative Panels provide the opportunity for stakeholders to have a say in the project selection process, and ensure that nominations of the highest priority and importance to the local community are recommended for approval.
Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Carol Brown said “The Australian Government has committed $110 million per year to the Black Spot Program to improve road safety across the nation.
“This Government is investing in road safety right across the nation to ensure Australians get home safely every trip.”
The panel that reviews priorities for the program in New South Wales includes the representatives from the National Roads and Motorists’ Association, the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia, NSW Police Force, the Federation of Parents & Citizens Associations of NSW, the Traffic Management Association of Australia, Local Government NSW and Transport for NSW.
Federal Member for Gilmore and Chair of the New South Wales Black Spot Consultative Panel Fiona Phillips said “I am privileged to have been named as the Chair of the New South Wales Black Spot Consultative Panel.
“I look forward to working with the panel that reviews priorities for the program in New South Wales including representatives from the National Roads and Motorists’ Association, the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia, NSW Police Force, the Federation of Parents & Citizens Associations of NSW, the Traffic Management Association of Australia, Local Government NSW and Transport for NSW.
“Black Spot projects deliver safer roads throughout New South Wales.”