My First Speech competition is now open

My First Speech competition aims to raise awareness of the federal Parliament amongst young Australians. The competition is open to school students in years 10, 11 and 12, giving them an opportunity to voice their opinions as if they were making a first speech in the House of Representatives.

My First Speech competition is similar to what happens when a new Parliament is opened. It is when newly elected Members have the chance to make a first speech in the House of Representatives and outline what they hope to achieve while in office.

Members' first speeches are as diverse as the people they represent in their electorates. Many Members choose to express their political views and goals in their first speeches. While others thank their supporters or speak about personal experiences. Members may also mention specific issues affecting the people in their electorates, such as health or education, or speak about financial or economic matters.

Students across Australia in year groups 10, 11 and 12 are invited to submit their first speech on any topic they chose. Speeches must be a maximum of 90 seconds.

The winner of each year group will be announced on the My First Speech website after they have been notified by phone.

The winners will also be invited to an event at Parliament House to deliver their speeches to the Speaker, Members of Parliament, journalists and general public. The event will be streamed on the FB/myfirstspeech 

Entries close: 5:00PM AEST Wednesday 31 August 2022

Learn more: and How to enter

Sara Johnston