Make your mark - BikeSpot 2023

Joint Media Release from Senator the Hon Carol Brown MP, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport; Dan Kneipp, CEO of Amy Gillett Foundation and Anthony Aisenberg, CrowdSpot Funder and Director

MEDIA RELEASE | 19 October 2023

Australia’s largest ever crowd-sourcing bike safety project – BikeSpot 2023 – was launched today at Parliament House in Canberra. The project is a collaboration between the Amy Gillett Foundation and CrowdSpot, as part of the Australian Government’s Safe Roads for Safe Cycling Program.

BikeSpot is a map that allows every Australian to say where they feel safe or unsafe while riding their bike. By making a mark on the interactive map, everyone can contribute to making cycling safe.

People on bikes can head to to drop a pin and answer a few questions about why they feel safe or unsafe in that location. The feedback could be positive, such as a separated bike lane that feels safe and is enjoyable to ride on. Or the feedback could identify areas that need improvement, such as a narrow-painted bike lane, high traffic speed, or missing connections in bike routes.

The information collected by BikeSpot will be made freely and publicly available to local governments, researchers and anyone else involved in road design.

Monash University has found more than three-quarters of people are interested in riding a bike, but only when separated from cars, such as on off-road paths or protected bike lanes. Previous research has also shown that the key barrier to getting more people on bikes is how unsafe they feel when riding, particularly around cars.

Active transport is increasingly a priority for governments, locally and globally. Active transport reduces traffic congestion, and improves the social, economic and environmental health of communities.

Our streets need to be shared and accessed by all – the more we know, the safer our journey. Let’s share our knowledge to build happier, healthier communities.

The nationwide project is now open and will run through to January 2024. Let’s make cycling safe. Make your mark at

Sara Johnston