Honouring lives lost: World Day of Remembrance for traffic victims

Media Release from Senator the Hon Carol Brown, Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

MEDIA RELEASE | 19 November 2023

Each Australian killed on our roads is a tragic event sending shockwaves through our communities.

Today marks World Day of Remembrance for Traffic Victims, serving as a reminder of the human toll exacted by traffic incidents, and highlighting the impact on families and communities. As we reflect, the importance lies in awareness about road safety, and renewing our collective commitment to making sure every road user gets home safely.

Over the course of the twelve months (October ’22 – October ’23), there were 1,247 fatalities on Australian roads. Australian communities have suffered immensely this year, with countless families and communities facing the unthinkable.

The National Road Safety Action Plan 2023-25 prioritises the implementation of measurable actions with clear responsibilities and timelines, emphasising the alignment and connection between the National Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan.

The National Road Safety Action Plan 2023-25 forms part of our Government’s steadfast commitment to Vision Zero. Road safety is a shared responsibility, and I am confident that together we can reach our target of Vision Zero, that is zero deaths and serious injuries on our roads by 2050.

After a year of horrific trauma on our roads, I ask all Australians to take a moment today to reflect on the profound impact of road trauma on individuals, communities, and our nation.

Sara Johnston