Turn the beat around: first live music audit is part of venue revival

Media Release from the NSW Minister for Music and the Night-time Economy

MEDIA RELEASE | 6 November 2023

NSW has lost half its live music venues over the past decade, with just 137 remaining, according to current Liquor and Gaming data.

As part of the music revival, the government will seek to ensure the survival of these venues as the recently established Sound NSW begins its work with the live music industry.

Launching during Australian Music Month, participants will be asked to assess the strengths of the industry as well as the factors that might be holding the industry back, from noise restrictions, venue closures, COVID-19 and cost of living pressures.

The survey forms part of a wider research project that will combine economic analysis, venue mapping data and audience research to inform the NSW Government’s first ever strategic policy for contemporary music and create a vision for a vibrant arts and cultural scene in NSW.

The survey is completely anonymous, with no personal information collected.

The data will lead the decision-making process to revolutionise the live music industry in the state and spearhead new policy that centres on supporting and invigorating NSW’s music scene.

People working in the industry are strongly encouraged to provide insights, including artists, managers, promoters, venue operators, roadies, audio engineers, lighting and technical teams, ticket and merchandise retailers and more. This feedback will shape policy decisions and have a direct impact on the future of the sector.

Participate in State of the Scene – Live Music Surveylaunch. The survey will be open until 15 January 2024.

Sara Johnston