New & improved Telstra mobile coverage comes to Yerong Creek

Media Release | 14 December 2023

Telstra has recently expanded 4G mobile coverage in the village of Yerong Creek with a new mobile small cell being switched on.

Regional General manager Chris Taylor said the new site would improve Telstra’s existing coverage in the area and improve connectivity for residents and visitors.

“We know the community’s been looking forward to this new mobile site and I’m pleased to say we’ve completed construction and been able to bring this site on air,” Chris taylor said.

“Having mobile connectivity is becoming increasingly important in our everyday lives. Each day er have about 20 million devices using our mobile network and together they make about 60 million phone calls, send 40 million SMS, and use about 8.6 million Gigabytes of mobile data.”

“This new site not only delivers new and improved depth of coverage to the Yerong Creek area, it will also improve capacity and provide additional triple-zero connectivity for users to other mobile networks in times of emergency.”

Telstra has used small cell technology to bring 4G coverage to this location. A small cell base station is an ideal solution for providing new or improved mobile services to remote locations and communities where a larger base station may not be technically or commercially viable to build.

The range of 4G coverage via a small cell will vary depending on local conditions but should provide mobile handheld coverage of several hundred metres in each direction and could be increase if people are using an external aerial or approved mobile phone repeater.

Telstra has oiver 11,700 mobile base station covering more than 2.7 million square kilometres, arounf one million kilometres more than any other mobile network. nationally, the Telstra network provides coverage to 99.6 percent of the Australian population.

“As a company, we heavily invest in improving regional connectivity and this site is another example of our commitment. Over the past seven years to the end of FY23, Telstra invested $11 billion in our mobile network nationally, with $4 billion of this invested in our regional mobile network,” said Chris Taylor.

Sara Johnston