Transitioning Well | Workplace Mental Health Coaching

The NSW Government has partnered with Transitioning Well to deliver a coaching service to help NSW businesses create a mentally healthy workplace. Through confidential one-on-one sessions, your coach will help address issues or identify risks to mental health within your business and give you practical tools and strategies to manage them. They can also help fine-tune any existing initiatives you have in place. 

Topics you could discuss include but aren’t limited to: 

  • coping with stress or overwhelm 

  • resolving workplace conflict 

  • managing staff who have poor mental health 

  • improving workplace culture

  • creating a workplace mental health policy

  • responding to incidents.

Benefits include:

  • Address any workplace issues such as stress, burnout, change, customer aggression or having difficult conversations.

  • Take action to create a mentally healthy workplace critical to business profitability and productivity.

  • Assist business owners and leaders with resources, tools, and referrals to address mental health in the workplace.

  • Provide access to support services for the business or workers.

  • Resources, tools, and referrals suitable to business needs.

Who is Transitioning Well?

The coaches at Transitioning Well are highly trained experts in workplace mental health, with a core focus on working with organisations to help their people live well and work well. 

Transitioning Well’s workplace psychologists have been delivering the coaching service for over a year, helping businesses achieve great outcomes. 

What is a workplace psychologist?

A workplace psychologist is a psychologist who works in a workplace setting to support leaders and organisations to improve their processes and practices to promote healthier organisations. Workplace psychologists have experience in working with organisations and can understand the unique factors that shape well-being in this setting. 

The service is for business leaders in: 

NSW business with 1 to 200 employees, or; 

A not-for-profit organisation of any size. 

This includes if the business has employees in NSW but their Head Office is in another state or overseas. 

Sara Johnston