Plans to Promote Visitation to Riverina Murray Unveiled

The NSW State Government has released a roadmap to foster the growth of the Riverina Murray visitor economy through to 2030. The road map was unveiled as part of the launch of seven new Destination Management Plans (DMPs) for regional NSW and highlights the unique strengths of the Riverina Murray region

Minister for Tourism Ben Franklin said the new DMP recognised the strategic context of the state’s Visitor Economy Strategy 2030 and would pave the way for the Riverina Murray region to contribute to the targets for regional NSW within the strategy.

“Our goal is for NSW to become the premier visitor economy of the Asia Pacific by 2030, delivering $65 billion in visitor expenditure including $25 billion directly from overnight visitation to regional NSW,” Mr Franklin said.

“In the year ended December 2019 the Riverina Murray welcomed 6.2 million visitors, injecting more than $1.74 billion into the local visitor economy.

“The new Destination Management Plan identifies the unique opportunities we have in the Riverina Murray, and the stakeholders that will play a part in realising those so Government and industry can work hand-in-hand.

“We are excited to share this work with local visitor economy businesses, industry bodies and local communities so we can continue to build on, deliver and promote excellent visitor experiences that align with our goals.”

Research Officer