Community War Memorials Fund

The objective of the Community War Memorials Fund is to help conserve, repair and protect war memorials across NSW to support community commemoration.

Two application rounds are run each year. The rounds open on Anzac Day and Remembrance Day. 

Applications to the CWMF must align with and be submitted under one of the below category descriptions: 

  • Category A - Engaging heritage or other relevant specialists (such as engineers) to produce reports relating to the repair, protection and/or conservation of existing war memorials.

  • Category B - Physical works relating to the repair, protection and/or conservation of existing war memorials. Reminder: The CWMF supports projects for existing war memorials. Applications cannot be submitted for the construction of new war memorials

The CWMF is valued at $250,000 annually. This is split evenly across the two rounds per year, each valued at $125,000. The maximum CWMF grant that will be awarded for any one application will ordinarily be $10,000 (excl. GST), unless extraordinary circumstances prevail, or a war memorial of state or national significance is considered to be at risk. This will be determined by the State War Memorials Committee. Extraordinary circumstances may include the necessity for urgent works to protect original fabric, or to rectify immediate safety concerns. A maximum amount of $15,000 may be awarded in these circumstances. 

Grants for work to improve the accessibility of war memorials, such as access ramps, are capped at $2,000 (excl. GST).

Grants for necessary work to conserve significant trophy guns are generally capped at $10,000 (excl. GST). Subsequent grants will only be considered in extraordinary circumstances.

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