Australian Government's Aviation White Paper Released

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The Aviation White Paper sets out the Australian Government’s vision for Australia’s aviation sector towards 2050 to ensure it remains safe, competitive, productive and sustainable.

As a nation, Australia is uniquely reliant on aviation to connect us to each other and to the world. Despite its importance to our nation, the sector is not currently meeting the needs of Australians. The White Paper sets out a comprehensive plan to bring Australian aviation back on the right flight path.

The White Paper and the development of its 56 policy initiatives was informed by extensive consultation on the Aviation Green Paper with the aviation industry, state and territory governments, and the Australian community. These 56 policy initiatives cover 10 key areas including:

  • a better passenger experience

  • a competitive and efficient aviation sector

  • a skilled, secure and productive workforce

  • maximising aviation’s contribution to net zero

  • connecting regional Australia

  • regenerating General Aviation

  • a balanced approach to airport planning and noise

  • world leading safety, security and airspace regulation

  • enabling new aviation technologies

  • connecting Australia to the world 

Discover the Australian Government’s policy settings for the Australian aviation sector by reading the Aviation White Paper.

The White Paper announced the establishment of a new independent Aviation Industry Ombuds Scheme for Australia. A consultation paper on the design and implementation of an Aviation Industry Ombuds Scheme is currently open for comment. For more information about the consultation, visit: Establishing the Aviation Industry Ombuds Scheme.

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