Leeton Shire Council and Hay Shire Council announced as successful applicants of the Growing Regions Program - Round 2

Source: Growing Regions Program—Round 2 projects

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts recently announced the New South Wales: Growing Regions Program – Round 2 projects.  Leeton Shire Council and Hay Shire Council were among those successful applicants who will receive Commonwealth-approved funding as part of Growing Regions Program – Round 2.

Hay Shire Council will receive funding of $4,191,173 for the replacement of the John Houston Memorial Swimming Pool (JHMS Pool). The project will deliver a new regional aquatic precinct, including a 50-metre competition pool. 15-metre learn-to-swim pool, and a zero-depth beach-style entry children’s pool, new shade and social inclusion areas, change facilities, a solar array and battery energy supply system, and an energy efficient water filtration system.

Leeton Shire Council will receive funding of $800,000 for the Leeton Roxy Theatre- Stage 2 project. This project will complete Stage 2 of the Roxy Community Theatre Redevelopment Masterplan through the delivery of a theatrette, a education studio, and AI/gaming workshop studio, and a function kitchen, café and bar, increasing the venue’s capacity and flexibility and conserve an iconic Art Deco heritage-listed building, and provide a new home for the Roxy Institute of Performing Arts. 

Rebbecca Huggett